Tuesday, October 9, 2012

UnitedHealth to Expand Globally


In this new development, UnitedHealth Inc. is buying ninety percent of Brazil-based Amil for $4.3 billion. This is a major advancement in the international future of health care. "The UnitedHealth deal is just the latest sign of the globalization of the U.S. health-care sector. It's a demand for U.S. expertise on both the health-care provider and the health-plan side." 

The deal was put into action because investors feel that there is a great opportunity for financial growth and medical dependability for families in Brazil. The middle class will benefit from the option of having another insurance provider and the deal will also allow better health care and technology to be provided.

After Amil acquires the proposed $4.3 billion from the deal, the CEO of Amil, Edson Bueno said that it would stay in Brazil. "The money will stay here [in Brazil], we will invest here and generate jobs here." This is great for the nation because it allows for further growth and development of the nation and it will help many people living in Brazil by providing jobs and boosting the economy.

1 comment:

  1. UnitedHealth Incorporated’s decision to purchase the largest health insurance provider in Brazil is extraordinary. By buying Amil, UnitedHealth Inc. opens doors for other insurance companies which will create more competition within insurance companies. Insurance rates should decrease and become more affordable for the people of Brazil. The $4.3 billion that UnitedHealth Incorporated used to purchase Amil will remain in the country further benefiting the people of Brazil. By working together, we can improve public health across the globe exemplified by UnitedHealth and Amil.
