Monday, October 29, 2012

DNA Sequencing

Modern medicine has allowed us to cure many people of a variety of diseases and illnesses. However, there is still a lot that we do not understand and have not been able to treat properly. Some of these health issues are genetic, and significant progress is being made in these areas by promoting the development of sequencing a patient's DNA. 

The first human genome sequencing cost roughly $3 billion and took 10 years to complete. Today, it can cost less than $10,000 and results can come up within 1 day. Efficiency continues to improve each day due to the potential breakthroughs that may be achieved in modern medicine. Sequencing a person's DNA could allow health professionals to get a better grasp of how certain genetic conditions occur and how they can prepare in advance to save a patient's life in the future by predicting dangerous health conditions in the future.

Despite the low cost and increasing popularity of DNA sequencing, many scientists are skeptical as to whether or not this will actually drive down medical costs in general. If an individual finds out that they have a high-risk condition, they are likely to spend whatever money they have on the expensive medicine that is required to keep them alive longer.

Do you think that it is worth knowing your DNA sequence so that you can properly take care of yourself, or should you not know it so as to not spend too much money on potentially lifesaving medication?

1 comment:

  1. Although research into your genome will inform you of potential health risks, the cost for the DNA sequencing is still too high. $10,000 dollars is too expensive for those in the middle and lower classes. Not only is the cost of the sequencing expensive, but the costs of the preventative measures will also be astronomical. Also, the person will lead a life of worries about the future. These worries will cause the person immense stress both emotionally and financially. Due to the stresses and costs, DNA sequencing is currently unrealistic for the common citizen.
