Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Solving of Shortages of Health Care Workers Overseas


In this article posted by Time, a new effort is being made to get more medical workers to help developing countries and in the United States. The program, called the Global Health Service Partnership in conjunction with the Peace Corps, is being led by Vanessa Kerry, daughter of U.S. Senator John Kerry. One of the main draws about the program is that for each year an individual participates in the program $30,000 will be given to pay for outstanding college tuition loans. Kerry says, "There’s evidence people come back with better clinical skills, better appreciation of needs, more likely to work in underserved specialties." She also noted that the program is very efficient at sending workers and aid in the past 50 years in a "sensitive, integrated way" by becoming more efficient with workers, food, medicine, and other resources that people may need.

One of the important things about this program is that it specifically sends doctors and nurses overseas. The Peace Corps does not do this. This seems like a very good way to help underdeveloped areas of the world by getting better medical assistance than they currently have; students that just graduated from medical school also get valuable experience dealing with people from foreign countries while simultaneously paying off their college loans. This program could lead to better practice here in the United States as well.


  1. The Global Health Service Partnership recognizes the intensive need for medical personnel in developing countries. Developing countries have the most health disparities with the least access to medical care. This program illustrates the importance of this problem and promotes an attempt to solve it. By offering $30,000, medical students will be enticed to participate in this program. However, the skills and appreciation they will obtain from this program will benefit their career and change their personal outlook on the needs of health care.

  2. One large international global health issue is a shortage of healthcare workers and providers. When a program like the Global Health Service Partnership sets out to provide more health care workers, it can have a great impact on improving health within a community. It also provides the health care workers from the United States the best of both worlds; they not only improve the health of an international community, but they also receive loans to pay for their medical education. This provides an efficient way for the United States to provide "foreign aid."

  3. As we learned in class, there is a shortage of healthcare providers internationally. I think this program will begin by improving healthcare on a smaller more community based level, which will eventually have an impact on health issues globally. Moreover, I think this is an excellent program that may encourage more students to seek professions in health related fields due to the tuition-pay-back incentive.
