Monday, November 26, 2012

The Likely Expansion of AIDS in India

In this article from the New York Times, India is about to have a large increase in the number of people that are afflicted with HIV/AIDS. Over the years, India has made excellent progress with their anti-AIDS efforts, mostly by shutting down brothels that could potentially infect people in the future. However, prostitutes in India are finding new ways to find money with the help of cheap cell phones. Cell phones allow them to keep in contact with customers from many different areas, as opposed to having the same customers come to the same brothel each time. This is dangerous because it increases the chances that people contract HIV/AIDS.

In addition, the Gates Foundation is about to cut funding to this program. It is critical to maintain this assistance because it is so important to the nation's growth and development. This is the wrong time to drop funding with this issue because there is an impending outbreak that can ruin many people's lives. A potential outbreak of this magnitude could catch us off guard and it could end up costing more resources to maintain properly.


  1. The progress in reversing the AIDS epidemic in India may be reversed if they do not control this new problem. If they continue to have problems with prostitutes, they must find alternative solutions besides closing brothels. If they find an alternative solution, India can expect a decrease in AIDS transmission. Funding from the Gates Foundation is crucial to reducing AIDS in India. The Gates Foundation must continue to fund India or a massive outbreak may occur.

  2. Overall, the incidence rate of HIV/AIDS and the prevalence of it have been decreasing worldwide. However, India is a place where decreasing and eliminating the infection has been proven harder than expected. The assistance the Gates Foundation is providing to India is very important because prevention services can make future treatment and disease control more cost-effective.

  3. I think that the Gates Foundation should reconsider pulling funds from this program. Everyone on the planet knows how dangerous HIV/AIDS is of a disease and the consequences it reaps on communities of all kinds. I understand the frustration with the prostitutes working their way around the law, but stuff like that happens all the time regardless. People will search for loopholes to all rules, no matter what. Members of the ruling powers/Gates Foundation should sit down together and discuss the real issue here before this disease unnecessarily gets out of hand.
